Simple Unit Test Framework for C++

This is a simple unit test (header only) framework that helps to registry and call unit test functions.

A Visual C++ project Wizard is included to make faster and easy to generate new Unit Tests projects.


Download the wizard for Visual C++



Unzip the file.

Run the Appropriate setup: setup90 (VC++ 2009) or setup90x (VC++2009 express) or setup80x (VC++ 2005 express) or setup80 (VC++ 2005)

Run the VC++ and go to the New project menu. The entry UnitTestWizard will be there is the installation was successful.


To make a simple test, here is what you do: Create a function test with no arguments, for instance: cpp TEST_FUNCTION(TestOne)() { }

At this point this function will always succeeded. To check values you can use the Assert function. cpp TEST_FUNCTION(TestOne)() { int a = 2; int b = 2; UnitTest::AreEqual(a, b); }

In case of failure the Assert will abort this test and write a diagnostic. (Also: IsTrue, IsFalse, AreNotEqual etc...) You can implement your report, or use a existing one, for instance ConsoleReport.

To run all the tests all you need to do is to call the function RunAll. cpp int main() { UnitTest::ConsoleReport rep; UnitTest::RunAll(rep); } You also can group a set of functions and use a test fixture The group is defined by a common argument between functions. For instance: ```cpp

class Group1 { int a; int b;

public: Group1() { a = 1; b = 1; } ~Group1() { }

void Test1()
  AreEqual(a, b);

void Test2()
  IsTrue_(a + b == 4);

}; GROUPTESTENTRY(Test1, Group1); GROUPTESTENTRY(Test2, Group1); ```

Here, TestOne and TestTwo are tests from the same group. The class used as an argument can be used as a tag, or it can hold some variables for your test.

The default constructor of Group1 will be called before the first test function of this group and the destructor will be called after the last function called in this this group.

You can run test groups separately like this:

RunGroup(report, L"Group1");

Source code


// Copyright (C) 2009, Thiago Adams (thiago.adams@gmail.com)
// www.thradams.com
// http://www.thradams.com/codeblog/myunittest3.htm
// Version: 21 July 2009
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

#ifndef __TRA_UNITTEST_H_
#define __TRA_UNITTEST_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
//comment this line to disable windows structured exceptions
//Project options must be: Yes With SEH Exceptions (/EHa)

namespace UnitTest
    typedef std::wstring String;

    enum TestResult

    inline const wchar_t* GetTestResultMsg(TestResult r)
        switch (r)
            case TestResultPassed:
                return L"Passed";
            case TestResultFailed:
                return L"Failed";
            case TestResultCanceled:
                return L"Canceled";
        return 0;

    namespace Detail
        template<int max>
        String MakeString(const char* psz)
            size_t origsize = strlen(psz) + 1;
            size_t convertedChars = 0;
            wchar_t wcstring[max];
            mbstowcs(wcstring, psz, max);
            return String(wcstring);

        inline void FindReplace(String& in_this_string,
                                const String& find,
                                const String& replace)
            String::size_type pos = 0;
            while (String::npos != (pos = in_this_string.find(find, pos)))
                in_this_string.replace(pos, find.length(), replace);
                pos += replace.length();

#ifdef _WIN32
        inline const wchar_t * GetExceptionCodeMsg(unsigned int e)
            switch (e)
                case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:
                    return L"The thread attempts to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does "
                           L"not have access.";
                    return L"The thread attempts to access an array element that is out of bounds, "
                           L"and the underlying hardware supports bounds checking.";
                case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT:
                    return L"A breakpoint is encountered.";
                    return L"The thread attempts to read or write data that is misaligned "
                           L"on hardware that does not provide alignment."
                           L" For example, 16-bit values must be aligned on 2-byte boundaries, "
                           L"32-bit values on 4-byte boundaries, and so on.";
                    return L"One of the operands in a floating point operation is denormal."
                           L" A denormal value is one that is too small to represent as a "
                           L"standard floating point value.";
                case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO:
                    return L"The thread attempts to divide a floating point value by a floating "
                           L"point divisor of 0 (zero).";
                case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT:
                    return L"The result of a floating point operation cannot be represented exactly "
                           L"as a decimal fraction.";
                    return L"A floating point exception that is not included in this list.";
                case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW:
                    return L"The exponent of a floating point operation is greater than "
                           L"the magnitude allowed by the corresponding type.";
                case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK:
                    return L"The stack has overflowed or underflowed, because of "
                           L"a floating point operation.";
                case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW:
                    return L"The exponent of a floating point operation is less than the"
                           L" magnitude allowed by the corresponding type.";
                case EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE:
                    return L"The thread accessed memory allocated with the PAGE_GUARD modifier.";
                    return L"The thread tries to execute an invalid instruction.";
                case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR:
                    return L"The thread tries to access a page that is not present,"
                           L" and the system is unable to load the page."
                           L" For example, this exception might occur if a network "
                           L"connection is lost while running a program over a network.";
                case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO:
                    return L"The thread attempts to divide an integer value "
                           L"by an integer divisor of 0 (zero).";
                case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW:
                    return L"The result of an integer operation causes a carry "
                           L"out of the most significant bit of the result.";
                    return L"An exception handler returns an invalid disposition "
                           L"to the exception dispatcher. Programmers using a high-level "
                           L"language such as C should never encounter this exception.";
                case EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE:
                    return L"The thread used a handle to a kernel object that was "
                           L"invalid (probably because it had been closed.)";
                    return L"The thread attempts to continue execution after a "
                           L"non-continuable exception occurs.";
                case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION:
                    return L"The thread attempts to execute an instruction with "
                           L"an operation that is not allowed in the current computer mode.";
                case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP:
                    return L"A trace trap or other single instruction mechanism signals that "
                           L"one instruction is executed";
                case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW:
                    return L"The thread uses up its stack";
            return 0;
        inline const wchar_t* GetExceptionCodeMsg(unsigned int e)
            return L"";
#endif //_WIN32

        class WinStructuredException
            unsigned int m_Code;
            WinStructuredException(unsigned int n) : m_Code(n) {}
            unsigned int GetCode() const
                return m_Code;

        struct ScopeSETranslator
            _se_translator_function m_OldSE;

            static void trans_func(unsigned int u, PEXCEPTION_POINTERS)
                throw WinStructuredException(u);

                m_OldSE = _set_se_translator(&trans_func);

            ScopeSETranslator() {}
            ~ScopeSETranslator() {}

        class TestResultException
            int m_SourceLine;
            String m_FileName;
            String m_Message;
            TestResult m_TestResult;
            TestResultException(TestResult r,
                                const String& message,
                                const String& f,
                                int l)
                m_Message = message;
                m_FileName = f;
                m_SourceLine = l;
                m_TestResult = r;
    } //namespace Detail

    //Assertions to be used inside the test functions

    inline void Cancel(const String& message = L"",
                       const String& file = L"",
                       int line = 0)
        throw Detail::TestResultException(TestResultCanceled, message, file, line);

    inline void Assert(bool condition,
                       const String& message = L"assertion failed",
                       const String& file = L"",
                       int line = 0)
        if (!condition)
            throw Detail::TestResultException(TestResultFailed, message, file, line);

    inline void IsTrue(bool condition,
                       const String& message = L"assertion IsTrue failed",
                       const String& file = L"",
                       int line = 0)
        UnitTest::Assert(condition, message, file, line);

    inline void Fail(const String& message = L"Test failed",
                     const String& file = L"",
                     int line = 0)
        UnitTest::Assert(false, message, file, line);

    inline void IsFalse(bool condition,
                        const String& message = L"assertion IsFalse failed",
                        const String& file = L"",
                        int line = 0)
        UnitTest::Assert(!condition, message, file, line);

    template<class T1, class T2>
    inline void AreEqual(const T1& v1,
                         const T2& v2,
                         const String& message = L"assertion AreEqual failed",
                         const String& file = L"",
                         int line = 0)
        UnitTest::Assert(v1 == v2, message, file, line);

    template<class T1, class T2>
    inline void AreNotEqual(const T1& v1,
                            const T2& v2,
                            const String& message = L"assertion AreNotEqual failed",
                            const String& file = L"",
                            int line = 0)
        UnitTest::Assert(v1 != v2, message, file, line);

// Auto generate comments, file and line numbers
#define Assert_(x) UnitTest::Assert((x), L#x, __WFILE__, __LINE__)
#define IsTrue_(x) UnitTest::IsTrue((x), L#x, __WFILE__, __LINE__)
#define IsFalse_(x) UnitTest::IsFalse((x), L#x, __WFILE__, __LINE__)
#define AreEqual_(x, y) UnitTest::AreEqual((x), (y), L"AreEqual " L#x L", " L#y, __WFILE__, __LINE__)
#define AreNotEqual_(x, y) UnitTest::AreNotEqual((x), (y), L"AreNotEqual " L#x L", " L#y, __WFILE__, __LINE__)
#define Fail_() UnitTest::Fail(L"Test Failed", __WFILE__, __LINE__)

    struct GroupInfo
        virtual ~GroupInfo() {}
        virtual void Call() = 0;
        virtual void GroupDataCreate() {}
        virtual void GroupDataDelete() {}
        virtual String GetGroupName()
            return L"ungrouped";

    template<class T>
    struct GroupInfoImp : public GroupInfo
        typedef void (*PF)(T&);
        PF m_Function;
        String m_Name;

        static T * & GetDataPtr()
            static T * data = 0;
            return data;

        virtual String GetGroupName()
            return m_Name;

        GroupInfoImp(PF f) : m_Function(f)
          m_Name = Detail::MakeString<200>(typeid(T).name());
          Detail::FindReplace(m_Name, L"struct ", L"");
          Detail::FindReplace(m_Name, L"class ", L"");


        virtual void Call()

        virtual void GroupDataCreate()
            if (GetDataPtr() == 0)
                GetDataPtr() = new T();

        virtual void GroupDataDelete()
            delete GetDataPtr();
            GetDataPtr() = 0;

    struct GroupInfoNone: public GroupInfo
        typedef void (*PF)(void);
        PF m_Function;

        GroupInfoNone(PF f) : m_Function(f)
        virtual void Call()

    struct TestEntry;
    inline std::vector<TestEntry*> & GetTestEntryList()
        static std::vector<TestEntry*> tests;
        return tests;

    struct TestEntry
        String m_TestName;
        String m_Source;
        String m_Message;
        int m_SourceLine;
        TestResult m_Result;
        std::clock_t m_StartTime;
        std::clock_t m_EndTime;
        std::auto_ptr<GroupInfo> m_GroupInfo;

        TestEntry(void (*f)(void),
                  const String& name,
                  const String& group,
                  const String& source,
                  int line)
            m_GroupInfo.reset(new GroupInfoNone(f));
            m_Result = TestResultFailed;
            m_Source = source;
            m_SourceLine = line;
            m_TestName = name;
            m_StartTime = std::clock();
            m_EndTime = m_StartTime;

        template<class T>
        TestEntry(void (*f)(T&),
                  const String& name,
                  const String& group,
                  const String& source,
                  int line)
            m_GroupInfo.reset(new GroupInfoImp<T>(f));
            m_Result = TestResultFailed;
            m_Source = source;
            m_SourceLine = line;
            m_TestName = name;
            m_StartTime = std::clock();
            m_EndTime = m_StartTime;

        bool Failed() const
            return m_Result == TestResultFailed;

        bool operator < (const TestEntry & te) const
            return m_GroupInfo->GetGroupName() < te.m_GroupInfo->GetGroupName();

        int GetDurationMs()
            return (int)((m_EndTime - m_StartTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000.0);

#define WIDEN2(x) L ## x
#define WIDEN(x) WIDEN2(x)
#define __WFILE__ WIDEN(__FILE__)

#define TEST_ENTRY(class)\
  static UnitTest::TestEntry __objMap_##class(&class, L#class, L"", __WFILE__, __LINE__);

#define GROUP_TEST_ENTRY(F, groupname) \
inline void F(groupname& groupname_arg) { groupname_arg.F(); } \

#define TEST_FUNCTION(X) void X(); TEST_ENTRY(X); void X

    class Report
        // I will count this for you
        int m_PassedCount;
        int m_FailedCount;
        int m_CanceledCount;

        //Override this
        virtual void ReportResultCore(TestEntry&)

        //Override this
        virtual void GroupEnterCore(GroupInfo*)

        //Override this
        virtual void GroupExitCore(GroupInfo*)

        void DoCount(TestEntry& test)
            switch (test.m_Result)
                case TestResultPassed:
                case TestResultFailed:
                case TestResultCanceled:

            m_PassedCount = 0;
            m_FailedCount = 0;
            m_CanceledCount = 0;

        int GetPassedCount() const
            return m_PassedCount;

        int GetFailedCount() const
            return m_FailedCount;

        int GetCanceledCount() const
            return m_CanceledCount;

        void GroupEnter(GroupInfo* p)

        void GroupExit(GroupInfo* p)

        void ReportResult(TestEntry& test)

    //You can customize our own report like this
    class ConsoleReport : public UnitTest::Report
        String m_Tab;
        virtual void GroupEnterCore(GroupInfo* p)
            m_Tab = L"  ";
            std::wcout << p->GetGroupName() << std::endl;

        virtual void GroupExitCore(GroupInfo* p)
            m_Tab = L"";
            std::wcout << std::endl;

        virtual void ReportResultCore(TestEntry& test)
            std::wcout << m_Tab;
            std::wcout << test.m_TestName << " ";
            std::wcout << GetTestResultMsg(test.m_Result) << " (";
            std::wcout << test.GetDurationMs() << " ms) ";
            std::wcout << test.m_Message << std::endl;

    namespace Detail
        inline TestResult RunTest(TestEntry* pEntry, Report& rep)
            pEntry->m_Result = TestResultFailed;
                ScopeSETranslator st;
                pEntry->m_StartTime = std::clock();
                pEntry->m_EndTime = pEntry->m_StartTime;
                pEntry->m_EndTime = std::clock();
                pEntry->m_Result = TestResultPassed;
            catch (const std::exception& e)
                pEntry->m_EndTime = std::clock();
                String msg = L"Test aborted by unhandled std::exception";
                msg += L"\n";
                msg += MakeString<400>(e.what());
                pEntry->m_Message = msg;
            catch (const TestResultException& e)
                pEntry->m_EndTime = std::clock();
                pEntry->m_Result = e.m_TestResult;
                pEntry->m_Message = e.m_Message;
            catch (const WinStructuredException& e)
                pEntry->m_EndTime = std::clock();
                String msg = L"Test aborted by SE exception";
                msg += GetExceptionCodeMsg(e.GetCode());
                pEntry->m_Message = msg;
            catch (...)
                pEntry->m_EndTime = std::clock();
                pEntry->m_Message =  L"Test aborted by unhandled exception";
            return pEntry->m_Result;

        inline bool SortPred(TestEntry* pa, TestEntry *pb)
            return *pa < *pb;

        inline void Run(Report& rep, const String & groupName, bool runAll)
            std::vector<TestEntry*> &tests = GetTestEntryList();
            std::sort(tests.begin(), tests.end(), SortPred);
            bool cancelGroup = true;
            String currentGroupName;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++)
                TestEntry * pTestEntry = tests[i];
                // has the group changed?
                if (i == 0 || currentGroupName != pTestEntry->m_GroupInfo->GetGroupName())
                    if (i > 0 && !cancelGroup)
                        GroupInfo * pPreviousGroupInfo = tests[i - 1]->m_GroupInfo.get();
                        cancelGroup = true;
                    currentGroupName = pTestEntry->m_GroupInfo->GetGroupName();
                    if (runAll || currentGroupName == groupName)
                        ScopeSETranslator st;
                        GroupInfo * pCurrentGroupInfo = pTestEntry->m_GroupInfo.get();
                            cancelGroup = false;
                        catch (...)
                            cancelGroup = true;
                            std::wcout << currentGroupName << L" canceled by unhandled exception" << std::endl;
                if (!cancelGroup)
                    TestResult res = RunTest(pTestEntry, rep);
            if (tests.size() > 0 && !cancelGroup)
                GroupInfo * pPreviousGroupInfo = tests.back()->m_GroupInfo.get();
    } //namespace Detail

    inline void RunAll(Report& rep)
        Detail::Run(rep, L"", true);

    inline void RunGroup(Report& rep, const String& groupName)
        Detail::Run(rep, groupName, false);
} // namespace UnitTest

//Sample of use:

//#include "unittest.h"
//void TestOne()
//   int a = 2;
//   int b = 2;
//   UnitTest::Assert(a == b);
//class Group1
//  Group1() {}
//  ~Group1() {}
//void Test1Group1(Group1&){}
//void Test2Group1(Group1&){}
//int main()
//   UnitTest::ConsoleReport rep;
//   UnitTest::RunAll(rep);
//   return 0;

// OR

//    int a = 2;
//    int b = 2;
//    AreEqual(a, b);
//    IsTrue(a + b == 4);
//class Group1
//    Group1(){}
//    ~Group1(){}
//    void Test1(){}
//    void Test2(){}
//GROUP_TEST_ENTRY(Test1, Group1);
//GROUP_TEST_ENTRY(Test2, Group1);

#endif // __TRA_UNITTEST_H_


*18 Jan 2011 Review *26 January 2009 - Header file version 3 published *20 July 2009 - VC++ Wizard Added *21 July 2009 - New Macros to simplify *22 July 2009 - Exceptions configured correctly into VC++ project