Tklgen is a scanner and parser generator.
The grammar used by tklgen is LL(1) and the generated parser is C++ top-down recursive-descendent.
The input file is a grammar LL(1) describing productions and terminals.
module tklgen
language tklgen
//tokens (terminals)
//syntax (productions)
You can comment your grammar using line or block comments in the same way of C++.
The identifier after the module keyword is used to name the output files.
The identifer after the language keyword is used as C++ namespaces to avoid name conflits.
Inside the language there are token declarations (terminals), and syntax declarations (productions).
The token declaration is used to tell all the terminal symbols.
token Integer = ('0'..'9')+;
Tokens operators
? : Optional
+ : One or more
* : Zero or more
| : Or operator
'a'...'z' : Range
"string" : Sequence of characteres
'c' : One characteres
'\0' '\t' '\b' '\f' '\n' '\t'
Tklgen don't suport negation. "Any char except this one" For this task I use this script [[excludechar.html|exclude char]]
The interleave is an especial token that is ignored by the scanner.
interleave Blanks = (' ' | '\n' | '\r')+;
The syntax declaration declares the production. The "Main" production is obrigatory.
syntax Main = A;
syntax A = Integer | empty;
The empty keyword declares an empty production.\ The or "|" symbol is used to declare multiple productions.
A complete sample is the tklgen grammar used to describe itself:
Generated files:
Existing files:
Requires a serial key. Please send me an e-mail.
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