Search engine

Simple search engine to find words in documents.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define strdup _strdup

struct document
    const char* url;
    const char* title;

struct documents
    struct document** data;
    int size;
    int capacity;

void document_delete(struct document* p)

int documents_reserve(struct documents* p, int n)
    if (n > p->capacity)
        void* pnew = realloc(p->data, n * sizeof(p->data[0]));
        if (pnew)
            p->data = pnew;
            p->capacity = n;
            return 0; /*out of mem*/

    return p->capacity;

int documents_push(struct documents* p, struct document* pitem)
    if (p->size + 1 > p->capacity)
        int n = p->capacity * 2;
        if (n == 0)
            n = 1;

        if (documents_reserve(p, n) == 0)
            document_delete(pitem); /*design choice*/
            return 0;

    p->data[p->size] = pitem;

    return p->size - 1;

void documents_destroy(struct documents* p)
    for (int i = 0; i < p->size; i++)


#define BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD (CHAR_BIT * (int)sizeof(unsigned long))

struct bitset
    unsigned long* bits;
    int size;

inline bool bitset_getbit(struct bitset* bitset, int index)
    assert(index / BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD < bitset->size);
    return (bitset->bits[index / BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD] &
           (1ul << index % BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD)) != 0;

int bitset_resize(struct bitset* p, int newSize);

struct search_index_entry {
    struct search_index_entry* next;
    unsigned int hash;
    char* key;
    struct bitset bitset;

struct search_index {

    struct search_index_entry** table;
    unsigned int capacity;
    int  size;

int bitset_resize(struct bitset* p, int newSize)
    if (newSize > p->size)
        int oldsize = p->size;
        unsigned long* pnew = realloc(p->bits, newSize * sizeof(p->bits[0]));
        if (pnew)
            memset(pnew + oldsize, 0, sizeof(p->bits[0]) * (newSize - oldsize));
            p->bits = pnew;
            p->size = newSize;
            return 0; /*out of mem*/

    return p->size;

void bitset_setbit(struct bitset* bitset, int index, bool b)
    int wordindex = index / BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD;

    if ((wordindex + 1) > bitset->size)
        if (bitset_resize(bitset, wordindex + 1) == 0)

    unsigned long bit = 1ul << index % BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD;
    if (b)
        bitset->bits[wordindex] |= bit;
        bitset->bits[wordindex] &= ~bit;

void bitset_destroy(struct bitset* p)

void search_index_remove_all(struct search_index* pMap) {

    if (pMap->table != NULL)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pMap->capacity; i++)
            struct search_index_entry* pentry = pMap->table[i];

            while (pentry != NULL)
                struct search_index_entry* pentryCurrent = pentry;


                pentry = pentry->next;

        pMap->table = NULL;
        pMap->size = 0;

void search_index_destroy(struct search_index* pMap)

unsigned int stringhash(const char* key)
    unsigned int uHashVal = 2166136261U;
    unsigned int uFirst = 0;
    unsigned int uLast = (unsigned int)strlen(key);
    unsigned int uStride = 1 + uLast / 10;

    for (; uFirst < uLast; uFirst += uStride)
        uHashVal = 16777619U * uHashVal ^ (unsigned int)key[uFirst];

    return (uHashVal);

struct bitset* search_index_find(struct search_index* pMap, const char* key)
    struct bitset* p = NULL;

    unsigned int hash = stringhash(key);
    int index = hash % pMap->capacity;

    struct search_index_entry* pentry = pMap->table[index];

    for (; pentry != NULL; pentry = pentry->next)
        if (pentry->hash == hash && strcmp(pentry->key, key) == 0) 
            p = &pentry->bitset;

    return p;

int search_index_set(struct search_index* pMap, const char* key, int docindex)
    int result = 0;

    if (pMap->table == NULL)
        if (pMap->capacity < 1) 
            pMap->capacity = 1000;

        pMap->table = calloc(pMap->capacity, sizeof(pMap->table[0]));

    if (pMap->table != NULL)
        unsigned int hash = stringhash(key);
        int index = hash % pMap->capacity;

        struct search_index_entry* pentry = pMap->table[index];

        for (; pentry != NULL; pentry = pentry->next) 
            if (pentry->hash == hash && strcmp(pentry->key, key) == 0) 

        if (pentry == NULL)
            pentry = calloc(1, sizeof(*pentry));
            pentry->hash = hash;

            pentry->key = strdup(key);
            pentry->next = pMap->table[index];
            pMap->table[index] = pentry;
            result = 0;
            bitset_setbit(&pentry->bitset, docindex, 1);
            result = 1;
            bitset_setbit(&pentry->bitset, docindex, 1);

    return result;

void find_docs(int nwords,
               const char* words[/*nwords*/],
               struct search_index* search_index,
               struct bitset* result)
    bool bFirst = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
        struct bitset* bitset = search_index_find(search_index, words[i]);
        if (bitset)
            if (bFirst)
                for (int j = 0; j < bitset->size; j++)
                    if ((j + 1) > result->size)
                        bitset_resize(result, j + 1);
                    result->bits[j] = bitset->bits[j];
                bFirst = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < bitset->size; j++)
                    if (j > result->size)
                        bitset_resize(result, j + 1);
                    result->bits[j] &= bitset->bits[j];

void print_results(struct bitset* bitset, struct documents* documents)
    for (int i = 0; i < bitset->size * BITSET_NUM_BITS_PER_WORD; i++)
        if (bitset_getbit(bitset, i))
            printf("%s\n", documents->data[i]->title);

int main(void) {

    struct documents documents = { 0 };
    struct search_index search_index = { 0 };

    struct document* pdoc = calloc(1, sizeof * pdoc);
    if (pdoc)
        pdoc->url = strdup("doc1");
        pdoc->title = strdup("document 1");

        int docindex1 = documents_push(&documents, pdoc);
        search_index_set(&search_index, "1", docindex1);
        search_index_set(&search_index, "document", docindex1);

        struct document* pdoc2 = calloc(1, sizeof * pdoc2);
        if (pdoc2)
            pdoc2->url = strdup("doc2");
            pdoc2->title = strdup("document 2");

            int docindex2 = documents_push(&documents, pdoc2);
            search_index_set(&search_index, "2", docindex2);
            search_index_set(&search_index, "document", docindex2);

            struct bitset bitset = { 0 };            
            find_docs(1, (const char* []) { "1" }, &search_index, &bitset);
            print_results(&bitset, &documents);


            struct bitset bitset2 = { 0 };
            find_docs(1, (const char* []) {"document"}, &search_index, &bitset2);
            print_results(&bitset2, &documents);            
