A property is a "virtual field". When the virtual field is used as rvalue it calls some get function. When the virtual field is used as lvalue it calls the best set_ function.
The idea behind this implementation is to detect when the field is used as lvalue using operator =, and to detect when the field is used as rvalue overriding operators +,- etc.
auto result = x.prop;
x.prop = something;
will be equivalent of:
auto result = x.get_prop();
// Copyright (C) 2012, Thiago R. Adams
// http://www.thradams.com
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <ostream>
struct Property {};
template<class T>
struct is_property : public std::is_base_of<Property, T> {};
template <class T>
auto eval(const T& v)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<T>::value, decltype(v.get())>::type
return v.get();
template <class T>
auto eval(const T& v)
-> typename std::enable_if < !is_property<T>::value, decltype(v) >::type
return v;
struct CLASSTYPE_##name : public Property\
template<class T> operator T()\
return get();\
GETTYPE operator ()() const \
return get();\
operator GETTYPE()\
return get();\
GETTYPE get() const \
return reinterpret_cast<const CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->GETFUNC();\
} name
struct CLASSTYPE_##name : public Property\
typedef CLASSTYPE_##name MyType;\
template<class T> operator T()\
return get();\
GETTYPE operator ()() const \
return get();\
operator GETTYPE()\
return get();\
GETTYPE get() const \
return reinterpret_cast<const CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->GETFUNC();\
template <class T> typename std::enable_if<is_property<T>::value, MyType&>::type\
operator =(T&& value)\
reinterpret_cast<CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->SETFUNC(std::forward<T>(value.get()));\
return *this;\
template <class T> typename std::enable_if<!is_property<T>::value, MyType&>::type\
operator =(T&& value)\
reinterpret_cast<CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->SETFUNC(std::forward<T>(value));\
return *this;\
} name
/// === Arithmetic operators ===
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator +(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) + eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) + eval(b);
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator -(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) - eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) - eval(b);
//Unary plus (integer promotion)
//Unary minus (additive inverse)
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator *(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) * eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) * eval(b);
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator /(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) / eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) / eval(b);
//Modulo (remainder)
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator %(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(a.get() % b) >::type
return eval(a) % eval(b);
//Increment Prefix
template <class TA>
auto operator ++(TA& a)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get()) >::type
a = (a.get() + 1);
return a.get();
//Increment Suffix
template <class TA>
auto operator ++(TA& a, int)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get()) >::type
auto temp = a.get();
a = (a.get() + 1);
return temp;
//Decrement Prefix
template <class TA>
auto operator --(TA& a)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ,
decltype(a.get()) >::type
a = (a.get() - 1);
return a.get();
//Decrement Suffix
template <class TA>
auto operator --(TA& a, int)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ,
decltype(a.get()) >::type
auto temp = a.get();
a = (a.get() - 1);
return temp;
// ===Comparison operators/relational operators===
//Equal to
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator ==(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) == eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) == eval(b);
//Not equal to
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator !=(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) != eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) != eval(b);
//Greater than
//bug clang? decltype(eval(a) > eval(b)), bool works
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator > (const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
bool >::type
return eval(a) > eval(b);
//Less than
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator <(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) < eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) < eval(b);
//Greater than or equal to
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator >=(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) >= eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) >= eval(b);
//Less than or equal to
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator <=(const TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ||
decltype(eval(a) <= eval(b)) >::type
return eval(a) <= eval(b);
// === Logical operators ===
//Logical negation (NOT)
template <class TA>
auto operator !(const TA& a)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ,
decltype(!eval(a)) >::type
return !a.get();
//Logical AND
//Logical OR
// ===Bitwise operators===
//Bitwise NOT
template <class TA>
auto operator ~(const TA& a)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ,
decltype(~a.get()) >::type
return ~a.get();
//Bitwise AND
//Bitwise XOR
template<class Elem, class Traits, class TB> inline
typename std::enable_if < is_property<TB>::value,
std::basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& >::type
operator << (std::basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& os, const TB& b)
return os << b.get();
//Bitwise right shift
//===Compound assignment operators===
//Addition assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator += (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value, TA& >::type
a = (a.get() + b);
return a;
//Subtraction assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator -= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value, TA& >::type
a = (a.get() - b);
return a;
//Multiplication assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator *= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value, TA& >::type
a = (a.get() * b);
return a;
//Division assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator /= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value, TA& >::type
a = (a.get() / b);
return a;
//Modulo assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator %= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value, TA&>::type
a = (a.get() % b);
return a;
//Bitwise AND assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator &= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get() &= b) >::type
return a = (a.get() & b);
//Bitwise OR assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator |= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get() |= b) >::type
return a = (a.get() | b);
//Bitwise XOR assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator ^= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value ,
decltype(a.get() ^= b) >::type
return a = (a.get() ^ b);
//Bitwise left shift assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator <<= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get() <<= b) >::type
return a.get() <<= b;
//Bitwise right shift assignment
template <class TA, class TB>
auto operator >>= (TA& a, const TB& b)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<TA>::value,
decltype(a.get() >>= b) >::type
return a.get() >>= b;
//==Member and pointer operators==
//==Other operators==
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "properties.h"
struct X
std::string m_text;
void set_text(std::string value)
m_text = value;
std::string get_text() const
return m_text;
PROPERTY(X, get_text,set_text, std::string, text);
int m_width;
void set_width(int value)
m_width = value;
int get_width() const
return m_width;
PROPERTY(X, get_width, set_width, int, width);
bool m_b;
void set_b(bool value)
m_b = value;
bool get_b() const
return m_b;
PROPERTY(X, get_b, set_b, bool, b);
struct X2
std::string m_text2;
void set_text2(const char* value)
m_text2 = value;
void set_text2(std::string value)
m_text2 = value;
const std::string& get_text2() const
return m_text2;
PROPERTY(X2, get_text2, set_text2, const std::string&, text2);
int m_width;
void set_width(int value)
m_width = value;
int get_width() const
return m_width;
PROPERTY(X, get_width, set_width,int, width);
bool m_b;
bool get_b() const
return m_b;
READ_ONLY_PROPERTY(X, get_b, bool, b);
void f(int) {}
void f1(const int) {}
void f2(int&) {}
void f3(double) {}
void f4(const std::string&) {}
template <typename R, typename C> R get_return_type(R (C::*)(void));
int main()
X x;
X2 x2;
bool b = x.text <= x2.text2;
b = x2.text2 <= x.text;
x.text = x2.text2;
x.text == x2.text2;
x.text != x2.text2;
x.text != "aa";
x.text = "aa";
x.text = x.text + "b";
x.text = "a" + x.text;
x.text += "c";
x.text = x.text + x2.text2;
b = (x.text == "aa");
b = x.text > x2.text2;
b = x.text < x2.text2;
b = x.text < "a";
//x2.b = true; //b is read only
b = x.text <= x2.text2;
x.width = !x.width;
x.width = 1;
x.width += 1;
x.width -= 1;
x.width *= 1;
x.width /= 1;
x.width = x.width == 2 || x.width == 1;
x.width = x.width && x.width ;
b = x2.b;
x.b = false;
x.b = !x.b;
x.b == x2.b;
x.b = x.b || 1;
x.b = x.b || x2.b;
x.width = x.width && 1;
x.width = x.width && x.width;
x.width += x.width;
x.width -= 1;
x2.width = 2;
x.width == x2.width;
x.width >= 1;
x.width >= x2.width;
x.width <= x2.width;
b = x.width < x2.width;
b = x.width > x2.width;
x.width = x2.width + 1;
x.width = x.width + x2.width;
x.width = x.width - x2.width;
x.width = 5;
assert(x.width % 2 == 1);
x.width = 1;
x2.width = 2;
assert(x2.width > x.width);
assert(x.width < x2.width);
x.width <= x2.width;
x.width >= x2.width;
x.width != x2.width;
if (x.text().empty())
x.text().clear(); //ok
//x2.text2().clear(); // error
std::cout << x.width;
std::cout << x.text;
bool b = x.prop.empty();
where prop is std::string
This is because there is no overload for operator dot.The workaround is to use operator ()
bool b = x.prop().empty();
Using VC++ 11 preview or Clang is possible to find out the "get" return type.
#include <type_traits>
#include <ostream>
struct Property {};
template<class T>
struct is_property : public std::is_base_of<Property, T> {};
template <class T>
auto eval(const T& v)
-> typename std::enable_if < is_property<T>::value, decltype(v.get())>::type
return v.get();
template <class T>
auto eval(const T& v)
-> typename std::enable_if < !is_property<T>::value, decltype(v) >::type
return v;
template <typename R, typename O>
R ReturnType(R (O::*)(void) const)
return R();
struct CLASSTYPE_##name : public Property\
typedef decltype(ReturnType(&CLASSTYPE::GETFUNC)) GETTYPE;\
template<class T> operator T()\
return get();\
GETTYPE operator ()() const \
return get();\
operator GETTYPE()\
return get();\
GETTYPE get() const \
return reinterpret_cast<const CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->GETFUNC();\
} name
struct CLASSTYPE_##name : public Property\
typedef CLASSTYPE_##name MyType;\
typedef decltype(ReturnType(&CLASSTYPE::GETFUNC)) GETTYPE;\
template<class T> operator T()\
return get();\
GETTYPE operator ()() const \
return get();\
operator GETTYPE()\
return get();\
GETTYPE get() const \
return reinterpret_cast<const CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->GETFUNC();\
template <class T> typename std::enable_if<is_property<T>::value, MyType&>::type\
operator =(T&& value)\
reinterpret_cast<CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->SETFUNC(std::forward<T>(value.get()));\
return *this;\
template <class T> typename std::enable_if<!is_property<T>::value, MyType&>::type\
operator =(T&& value)\
reinterpret_cast<CLASSTYPE*>(this - offsetof(CLASSTYPE, name))->SETFUNC(std::forward<T>(value));\
return *this;\
} name
Sample of use:
PROPERTY(X, get_width, set_width, width);