Math library


What does this library?

At start, the library will focus in the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics - arithmetic.

Basic operations are implemented to operate on integers and natural numbers.

Integers: Z = {.. , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...} Natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, ...}

How the library sees the numbers?

The library uses the positional notation { d[n], ... d[1], d[0] } (d[0] is less significative) base

base is the number of unique digits including zero.

e.g. The number 15 in decimal notation (base 10) is represented as: 1 0 { 1, 5 } = 1 * 10 + 5 * 10 10

What is the number interface?

Algorithms have access to the number representation using iterators.

  { !?!?  , d[n], ... d[1], d[0]  } 
     ^                       ^
    end                     begin        (iterators, pointers)

Basic math lib algorithms will use this abstraction.

