My implementation of the std::tr1::function

Pointers to functions always interested me. I have made several classes along the years to deal with this question. With the TR1, we will have a standard way to create general functional pointers. So I have decided to implement the function class as defined in : [http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1836.pdf]

What is implemented here? * memfn * function * referencewrapper (simple case) * badfunctioncall (part of function definition) * bind is implemented partially

What is missing in this implementation? * referencewrapper is not complete. * resultof

The function class implemented here can be tested using the samples of the book: "The C++ Standard Library Extensions A Tutorial and Reference" - by Pete Becker The website contains the book samples: [[http://www.petebecker.com/tr1book/]]


Header: "typetraits.h" ( I have implemented just what I need now : isintegral )

#ifndef _TR1_TYPE_TRAITS
#define _TR1_TYPE_TRAITS

namespace std {
    namespace tr1 {

        template<class T> struct is_integral { static const bool value = false; };
        template<> struct is_integral<bool> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<char> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<signed char> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<unsigned char> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<wchar_t> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<short> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<unsigned short> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<int> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<unsigned int> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<long> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<unsigned long> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<long long> { static const bool value = true; };
        template<> struct is_integral<unsigned long long> { static const bool value = true; };


Header: "functional"
C++0x implementation for function and mem_fn

// Copyright (C) 2007, Thiago Adams (thiago.adams@gmail.com)
// This is the implementation of std::tr1::function proposed in tr1.
// See details in: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1836.pdf
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.


#include <functional>
#include <cassert>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "type_traits"

namespace std {
    namespace tr1 {

        namespace detail
            template <bool B, class T = void>
            struct disable_if_c { typedef T type; };

            template <class T>
            struct disable_if_c<true, T> {};

            template <class Cond, class T = void>
            struct disable_if : public disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};

        //An exception of type bad_function_call is thrown by function::operator() ([])
        //when the function wrapper object has no target.
        class bad_function_call : public std::runtime_error
            bad_function_call() : std::runtime_error("call to empty tr1::function") {}

        template<class T> class reference_wrapper
            typedef T type;

            explicit reference_wrapper(T& t): t_(&t) {}

            operator T& () const { return *t_; }

            T& get() const { return *t_; }

            T* get_pointer() const { return t_; }


            T* t_;

        //primary template
        template<class T> struct const_mem_fn_t;

        //primary template
        template<class T> struct mem_fn_t;

        //primary template
        template<class T> struct mem_fn_t_binder;

        //primary template
        template<class T> struct const_mem_fn_t_binder;

        //primary template
        template<class F> class function;

        struct unspecified_null_pointer_type {};

        struct function_base
            void *m_pInvoker;

            function_base() : m_pInvoker(0)

            bool empty() const
                return m_pInvoker == 0;

        // [] Null pointer comparisons
        template <class Function>
        bool operator==(const function_base& f, unspecified_null_pointer_type *)
            return !f;

        template <class Function>
        bool operator==(unspecified_null_pointer_type * , const function_base& f)
            return !f;

        template <class Function>
        bool operator!=(const function_base& f, unspecified_null_pointer_type * )
            return (bool)f;

        template <class Function>
        bool operator!=(unspecified_null_pointer_type *, const function_base& f)
            return (bool)f;

        // [] specialized algorithms
        template<class Function> void swap(function<Function>& a, function<Function>& b)

    } //namespace tr1
} //namespace std

#define MACRO_JOIN(a, b)        MACRO_DO_JOIN(a, b)
#define MACRO_DO_JOIN(a, b)     MACRO_DO_JOIN2(a, b)
#define MACRO_DO_JOIN2(a, b)    a##b

#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_0(t)
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_1(t)    t##1
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_2(t)    t##1, ##t##2
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_3(t)    t##1, ##t##2, ##t##3
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_4(t)    t##1, ##t##2, ##t##3, ##t##4
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_5(t)    t##1, ##t##2, ##t##3, ##t##4, ##t##5

#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_0(t1, t2)
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_1(t1, t2)   t1##1 t2##1
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_2(t1, t2)   t1##1 t2##1, t1##2 t2##2
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_3(t1, t2)   t1##1 t2##1, t1##2 t2##2, t1##3 t2##3
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_4(t1, t2)   t1##1 t2##1, t1##2 t2##2, t1##3 t2##3, t1##4 t2##4
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_5(t1, t2)   t1##1 t2##1, t1##2 t2##2, t1##3 t2##3, t1##4 t2##4, t1##5 t2##5

#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1(n, t)         MACRO_JOIN(MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1_, n) (t)
#define MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2(n, t1, t2)    MACRO_JOIN(MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2_, n) (t1, t2)

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 0
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 1
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 2
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 3
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 4
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

#define FUNC_NUM_ARGS 5
#include "functional_imp\function_imp.h"

Header: "function_imp.h"
Template especializations:

#if FUNC_NUM_ARGS == 0

#define T1_TN              void
#define T1t1_TNtn
#define t1_tn


#define T1_TN              MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1(FUNC_NUM_ARGS, T)
#define T1t1_TNtn          MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS2(FUNC_NUM_ARGS, T, t)
#define t1_tn              MACRO_MAKE_PARAMS1(FUNC_NUM_ARGS, t)


#if FUNC_NUM_ARGS == 1
#define USING_FUNCTION , std::unary_function<T1, Result>
#define USING_FUNCTIONM  : public std::binary_function<T, T1, Result>
#elif FUNC_NUM_ARGS == 2
#define USING_FUNCTION , std::binary_function<T1, T2, Result>
#define USING_FUNCTIONM  //: public std::binary_function<T1, T2, Result>

namespace std {
    namespace tr1 {

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        struct const_mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) const >
            typedef Result result_type;
            Result (T::*pMemberFunc) (T1_TN) const;

            const_mem_fn_t(Result (T::*pf) (T1_TN) const) : pMemberFunc(pf)

            Result operator ()(const T *f FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF T1t1_TNtn) const
                return ((f->*pMemberFunc)(t1_tn));

            Result operator ()(const T &f FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF T1t1_TNtn) const
                return ((f.*pMemberFunc)(t1_tn));

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        struct mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) >
            typedef Result result_type;
            typedef Result (T::*pointer_type) (T1_TN);
            Result (T::*pMemberFunc) (T1_TN);

            mem_fn_t(Result (T::*pf) (T1_TN)) : pMemberFunc(pf)
            Result operator ()(T *f FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF T1t1_TNtn)
                return ((f->*pMemberFunc)(t1_tn));
            Result operator ()(T &f FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF T1t1_TNtn)
                return ((f.*pMemberFunc)(t1_tn));

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN)> mem_fn(Result (T::*pF) (T1_TN) )
            return mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN)>(pF);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        const_mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) const> mem_fn(Result (T::*pF) (T1_TN) const)
            return const_mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) const >(pF);

        //bind partially implemented
        //Allows to create function objects that holds "this"
        //X x;
        //f = bind(&X::F, x);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        struct const_mem_fn_t_binder<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) const>
            const_mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) const> m_f;
            const T * m_p;

            const_mem_fn_t_binder(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN) const, const T & r)
                : m_p(&r), m_f(PF)

            const_mem_fn_t_binder(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN) const, const T *p)
                : m_p(p), m_f(PF)

            Result operator ()(T1t1_TNtn) const
                return m_f(m_p FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF t1_tn);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        struct mem_fn_t_binder<Result (T::*) (T1_TN) >
            mem_fn_t<Result (T::*) (T1_TN)> m_f;
            T * m_p;

            mem_fn_t_binder(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN), T & r)
                : m_p(&r), m_f(PF)

            mem_fn_t_binder(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN), T *p)
                : m_p(p), m_f(PF)

            Result operator ()(T1t1_TNtn)
                return m_f(m_p FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF t1_tn);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN)> bind(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN), T &r)
            return mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN)>(PF, r);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        const_mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN) const> bind(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN) const, T &r)
            return const_mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN) const>(PF, r);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN)> bind(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN), T *p)
            return mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN)>(PF, p);

        template<class Result, class T FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        const_mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN) const> bind(Result(T::*PF)(T1_TN) const, T *p)
            return const_mem_fn_t_binder<Result(T::*)(T1_TN) const>(PF, p);

        // Function type Result (T1, T2, ..., TN), 0 <= N <= Nmax
        template<class Result FUNC_USE_COMMA_IF  CLASST1_CLASSTN>
        class function <Result (T1_TN)> : public function_base
            struct invoker_base
                virtual ~invoker_base(){}
                virtual Result invoke(T1_TN) = 0;
                virtual invoker_base * clone() const = 0;
                virtual void * get_ptr( const type_info & ) const = 0;
                virtual const type_info & get_type_info() const = 0;

            template<class T>
            struct invoker : public invoker_base
                typedef T target_type;
                target_type m_functor_object;

                invoker_base * clone() const
                    return new invoker(*this);

                const type_info & get_type_info() const
                    return typeid(target_type);

                void * get_ptr( const type_info & ti) const
                    if (typeid(target_type) == ti)
                        return (void*) &m_functor_object;
                    return 0;

                Result invoke(T1t1_TNtn)
                    return m_functor_object(t1_tn);

                invoker(const target_type & object)
                    : m_functor_object(object)

            template <class T> void new_invoker( const T &object )
                m_pInvoker = new invoker<T>(object);

            template<class T> void new_invoker( Result (T::*pmFunction) (T1_TN) )
                if (pmFunction == 0)

                typedef mem_fn_t<Result (T::*)(T1_TN)> functor;
                m_pInvoker = new invoker< functor >( functor(pmFunction) );


            typedef Result result_type;

            // [] construct/copy/destroy
            explicit function() : function_base()

            function(const function& f)
                if (f.m_pInvoker != 0)
                    m_pInvoker = ((invoker_base*)(f.m_pInvoker))->clone();

                assert( (!*this && !f) || (*this && f));

            function(unspecified_null_pointer_type *) : function_base()

            //enable_if here is to disable create function objects of integral types.
            // so is possible to initialize do 0 function f(0);
            template<class F>
            function(const F &f
                ,typename detail::disable_if<is_integral<F> , int>::type = 0

            function& operator=(const function& f)
                return *this;

            function& operator=(unspecified_null_pointer_type * )
                delete ((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker);
                m_pInvoker = 0;
                return *this;

            template<class F>
            typename detail::disable_if< is_integral<F> , function >::type &
                operator=(const F &f)
                return *this;

            template<class F> function& operator=(reference_wrapper<F> f)
                return *this;

                delete ((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker);

            // [] function modifiers
            void swap(function& f)
                std::swap(m_pInvoker, f.m_pInvoker);

            // [] function capacity
            operator bool() const throw()
                return !empty();

            // [] function invocation
            Result operator()(T1t1_TNtn) const
                if (!*this)
                    throw bad_function_call();

                return ((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker)->invoke(t1_tn);

            // [] function target access
            const std::type_info& target_type() const
                if (!*this)
                    return typeid(void);
                return ((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker)->get_type_info();

            template <typename T> T* target()
                if (!*this)
                    return 0;
                return (T*)((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker)->get_ptr(typeid(T));

            template <typename T> const T* target() const
                if (!*this)
                    return 0;
                return ((invoker_base*)m_pInvoker)->get_ptr(typeid<T>);


            // [] undefined operators
            template<class Function> bool operator==(const function<Function>&);
            template<class Function> bool operator!=(const function<Function>&);

    } // namespace tr1
} // namespace std

#undef T1_TN
#undef T1t1_TNtn
#undef t1_tn


See also:

My implementation of std::tr1::shared_ptr sharedptr.htm