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Cake - C23 and Beyond

Last Updated 3 March 2025

This is a work in progress. Cake source is currently being used to validate the concepts. It's in the process of transitioning to include annotated nullable checks, which was the last feature added.


The objective is to statically check code and prevent bugs, including memory bugs like double free, null dereference and memory leaks. New qualifiers have been created to extend the type system and insert information at function declarations.

Ultimately, we still have the same language, but with an improved type system that checks new contracts. These new contracts can be ignored, the language and existing code patterns remains unmodified.


Nullable Pointers

A nullable pointer is a pointer that can be set to null, indicating that it doesn't reference any object.

The qualifier _Opt explicitly indicates when a pointer is nullable, while the absence of the qualifier implies that a pointer is non-nullable.

This qualifier is placed after * in the same way as const.

The declaration

char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);

says that strdup is a function that expects a non nullable pointer as argument and returns a nullable pointer.

Since the absence of the _Opt qualifier indicates that the pointer is non-nullable, existing code will naturally conflict with the new rules, as some unqualified pointers in the existing code can be nullable; they simply are not reviewed yet.

The directive #pragma nullable enable/disable can be used during the process of upgrading code. nullable enable means that the new rules apply, while nullable disable indicates that all pointers are nullable. Similar approach has been used in C# [1].

It is important to note that, although the semantics change, this only affects static analysis; the runtime behavior remains unchanged.

New rules for pointer compatibility automatically arise, guided by the objective of improving safety.

Example 1: Warning for Non-Nullable Pointers

#pragma nullable enable  

int main(){
  int * p = nullptr; // warning

In this example, p is a non-nullable pointer, since the rules are in effect after #pragma nullable enable and the pointer is not qualified with _Opt.

Assign p to nullptr will generate a warning, because p is non nullable.

Example 2: Converting Non-Nullable to Nullable

The conversion from a non-nullable pointer to a nullable one is allowed, as shown below:

#pragma nullable enable  
char * get_name();  
int main(){
  char * _Opt s = get_name(); 

Example 3: Diagnostic for Nullable to Non-Nullable Conversion

Consider the following case:

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
void f(char *s);  

int main()
   char * _Opt s1 = strdup("a");
   f(s1); // warning

In this scenario, s1 is declared as nullable, but f expects a non-nullable argument. This triggers a warning, as the nullable pointer s1 could potentially be null when passed to f. To remove this warning, a null check is required:

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
void f(char *s);  

int main()
   char * _Opt s1 = strdup("a");
   if (s1) 
      f(s1); // ok

This warning relies on flow analysis, which ensures that the potential nullability of pointers is checked before being passed to functions or assigned to non-nullable variables.

In some cases, the compiler may need a help. Consider this sample.

#pragma safety enable

struct X {
    int * _Opt data;

bool is_empty(struct X * p)
    return p->data == nullptr;

void f(struct X * p) 
   if (!is_empty(p)) {
      assert(p->data != nullptr);
      *p->data = 1;

When is_empty(p) is true p->data is null; otherwise not null. Since the analysis is not inter-procedural, the compiler does not have this information. Adding an assertion will lead the flow analysis to assume that p->data is not null and removes the warning.

The problem with this approach is the distance between the location that imposes the postcondition and the assert. If is_empty changes, it could potentially invalidate the assert on the caller's side. Although a runtime check is in place, it is not as safe as a compile-time check because it may occur within a rarely used branch, allowing the bug to remain inactive for an extended period and potentially appearing on the client's machine.

For this reason, a 'contract' approach is also being developed in Cake, although it is still in the early stages of design.

We can specify the post-conditions for the results of true and false branches using true and false at the function declaration, as well as for void functions using post

#pragma safety enable

struct X {
    int * _Opt data;

bool is_empty(const struct X * p)
  true(p->data == 0),
  false(p->data != 0)
    return p->data == nullptr;

void clear(struct X * p)
  post(p->data == 0)  
    p->data = nullptr;

void f(struct X * p) 
   if (!is_empty(p)) {      
      /*assert not required anymore*/
      *p->data = 1;

The advantage of contracts, as mentioned earlier, is that the postconditions are located in a single place. This is useful not only to avoid code repetition but also because assertions function as unproven statements at compile time, which are assumed to be true and may be dangerous if they are out of sync with the implementation. On the other hand, placing the contracts alongside the function declaration keeps the contract closer to its implementation. Compilers (though Cake is not currently doing this yet) could create proxy functions to check postconditions at runtime. (See C++ 26 contracts)

Non nullable members initialization

Non-nullable member initialization has similarities to const member initialization. One difference is that const members cannot be changed after declaration even if the declaration does not initialize it.

For instance:

struct X { const int i; };
int main(){
    struct X x;
    x.i = 1; //error

The non-nullable on the other hand can transitioning from uninitialized to non-null.

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  

struct X {  char * text; };  

void f() {  
   char * _Opt s = strdup("a");
   if (s == nullptr)
   struct X x;
   x.text = s; //ok

How do we know when the object is fully constructed? We don't need to. Attempting to read an uninitialized or partially initialized object will result in a warning.

For instance.

#pragma nullable enable  
struct X {  char * text; };  

struct X f() {  
   struct X x;
   return x;

More non-nullable members initialization patterns

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
struct X {  char * text; };  

void f() {  
  struct X x = {}; //warning  
void g() {  
   struct X x = {.text = strdup("a") }; //warning
void h() {  
   char * _Opt s = strdup("a");
   if (s == nullptr)
   struct X x = {.text = s }; //ok

malloc has a built-in semantics indicating the object is uninitialized.

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
void * _Opt malloc(unsigned int sz);

struct X {  char * text; };  

void f() {     
   struct X * _Opt pX = malloc(sizeof *pX);
   if (pX)
      char * _Opt s = strdup("a");
      if (s != nullptr){
        pX->text = s; //ok

We could remove this built-in some something like

#pragma nullable enable  
_Uninitialized void * _Opt malloc(unsigned int sz);

This is not implemented yet.

calloc has a built in semantics indicating the object is zero-initialized.

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
void * _Opt calloc(unsigned int n, unsigned int sz);

struct X {  char * text; };  

void f() {     
   struct X * _Opt pX = calloc(1, sizeof *pX); //warning
   if (pX)

In some cases it may be useful to make the non-nullable members as nullable. Applying _Opt qualifier to structs makes all members nullable.

For instance, the previous calloc sample can be written as.

#pragma nullable enable  
char * _Opt strdup(const char * src);  
void * _Opt calloc(unsigned int n, unsigned int sz);

struct X {  char * text; };  

void f() {     
   _Opt struct X * _Opt pX = calloc(1, sizeof *pX); //ok
   if (pX)
      char * _Opt s = strdup("a");
      if (s != nullptr){
        pX->text = s; //ok

Adding the _Opt qualifier in front of struct X (as in _Opt struct X x;) is analogous to changing the type of x from:

struct X { char * text; };


struct X { char * _Opt text; };

This can be compared to the addition of the const qualifier. For example:

const struct X x;

The type of x in this case is similar of to changing from:

struct X { char * text; };


struct X { char * const text; };

We will discuss later another situation involving the _View qualifier that works as anti-owner qualifier.


In the same way we removed the implicit non-nullable qualifier, we also could remove the const qualifier. The anti const qualifier could be named as mutable.

For instance:

struct X { char * const text; };

The declaration

mutable struct X x; 

could be similar of having the type of x as:

struct X { char * text; };

But instead of having anti-const and anti-non-nullable qualifier the mutable has been considered to remove both because they may happen together.

Consider the following code example:

struct X {
  const char * const name; // const and non-nullable

struct X * _Opt makeX(const char* name)
  mutable struct X * p = calloc(1, sizeof *p);  
  if (p == NULL) 
    return NULL;
  char * _Opt temp = strdup(name);
  if (temp == NULL)
    return NULL;  

  p->name = temp;  // OK!!
  return p;

OBS: mutable qualifier is not yet implemented in Cake.

Since mutability may be useful for constructors and destructors, the idea of mutable could imply that change may happen only once. This naturally occurs when assigning a non-nullable pointer for the first time—because afterward, it cannot become nullable again. Similarly, for const objects, it could mean that once initialized, a const object cannot change anymore. In this context, 'constructor' or 'destructor' might be a more suitable term.

struct X {
  const char * const name; // const and non-nullable

struct X * _Opt makeX(const char* name)
  [[constructor]] struct X * p = calloc(1, sizeof *p);  
  if (p == NULL) 
    return NULL;
  char * _Opt temp = strdup(name);
  if (temp == NULL)
    return NULL;  

  p->name = temp;  // OK!!
  return p;

Object lifetime checks

From the C23 standard:

"The lifetime of an object is the portion of program execution during which storage is guaranteed to be reserved for it. An object exists, has a constant address, and retains its last-stored value throughout its lifetime) If an object is referred to outside of its lifetime, the behavior is undefined"

To conceptually manage the storage and object lifetime we will use the concept of ownership.

Owner references

An owner reference is an object referencing another object and managing its lifetime.

The most common type of owner reference are pointers to allocated objects. We can call then just owner pointers.

Sample - Owner Pointer to FILE

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    FILE *_Owner _Opt f = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    if (f)

#pragma ownership enabled

Object lifetime checks are enabled with the #pragma ownership enable.
Qualifiers like _Owner can be used when ownership is disabled but they are ignored.

#pragma safety enabled

#pragma safety enable is equivalent of :

#pragma nullable enable
#pragma ownership enable


If the programmer incorrectly assumes that fclose accepts NULL.

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    FILE * _Owner _Opt f = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    if (f)
    //warning: assignment of possible null object 'p' to non-opt pointer [-Wnullable-to-non-nullable]

Rule: An owner reference is always the unique owner of the referenced object. As a consequence when owner references are copied the ownership is transferred.

Rule: Before the end of its lifetime, owner references must move the ownership of the objects they own.

The cake ownership model does not have the concept of a destroyed object. Instead, everything is viewed as a transformation, where the object is broken into smaller parts and those parts are moved.


#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    FILE * _Owner _Opt f = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    FILE * _Owner _Opt f2 = f; /*MOVED*/
    if (f2)
       fclose(f2); /*MOVED*/

Invoking a function fclose is analogous to assignment of the argument f2, resulting in the transfer of ownership of f2 to the function parameter.

Sample - Declaration of fopen and fclose

FILE * _Owner _Opt fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode );
void fclose(FILE * _Owner p); /*p is not nullable*/

Non-pointer owner references

We can have other types of owner references.

For instance, Berkeley sockets use an integer to identify the socket.


 _Owner int server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

Note: The location and usage of the qualifier _Owner is similar to the const qualifier. For pointers, it goes after *, and for this socket sample, it can be before int. The _Owner qualifier belongs to the object (memory)that holds the reference.

When a struct or union have at least one owner object we can say the struct is a owner object too.

Rule: Owner objects cannot be discarded.

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {  
  fopen("file.txt", "r"); //warning   

Rule: A non-owner object cannot be copied to a owner object.

Rule: The null pointer constant can be used to initialize owner objects.


#pragma safety enable

typedef int T;
T * f(); /*returning non owner*/  

int main() {  
   T * _Owner p = f();      //ERROR   
   T * _Owner _Opt _p2 = 0; //OK

View references

A view reference is an object referencing another object without managing its lifetime.

Rule: The lifetime of the referenced object must be longer than the lifetime of the view reference.


#pragma safety enable

struct X
    int i;
int main(){

  struct X * _Opt p = nullptr;
    struct X x = {};
    p = &x;
  p->i = 1; //warning

The most common view references are pointers called view pointers.

The view qualifier is not necessary for pointers, since it's the default behavior. (The usage of _View in pointers are forbidden to avoid the propagation of more than one style)

When an owner object is copied to a view object, the ownership is not transferred.


#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>

void use_file(FILE * f) {}

int main() {
    FILE * _Owner _Opt f = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    if (f) {
        use_file(f); //ownership of f is not moved

When a _View qualifier is used in structs, it makes all members as view objects.

Sample - A view parameter

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {   
  char * _Owner _Opt text;   

void f(_View struct X x) { /*...*/ }  

int main() {
    struct X x = {};
    f(x); /*NOT MOVED*/    

Note: It is interesting to compare against const qualifier. While const adds a qualifier "const" "_View" removes the qualifier "_Owner".

Returning a pointer to a view object

Rule: We cannot return a view pointer to objects with automatic storage duration from the function scope.

#pragma safety enable

int * f()
   int a = 1;
   return &a; //ERROR

But we can return a view pointer to objects with static, thread and allocated duration.


static int a = 1;
int * f()
   return &a; // OK

We can return view pointers to objects pointed by parameters because they are from one scope above. We cannot return the address of the parameters.

int * f2(int *p) {
   return p; //OK

Now consider:

#include <stdio.h>

int * max(int * p1, int * p2) {  
 return *p1 > *p2 ? p1 : p2;

int main(){  
   int * p = NULL;
   int a  = 1;
      int b = 2;
      p = max(&a,  &b);
   printf("%d", *p);

Examining the implementation reveals that the returned view pointer's lifetime can be that of either 'a' or 'b'.

This check is missing at cake but the idea is to make a and b suspects. Considering the lifetime of b smaller than p then the programmer needs to tell the compiler that p cannot be b. For instance assert(p != &b);.
But the programmer will not do that in this code. The expectation is that code naturally will avoid this kind of situation using the returned object in a limited scope. When objects with static storage duration are returned we don't need to check suspects as well. This is not implemented yet but one alternative is to use char * static to inform "pointer to static storage duration object".

Deleting Owner Pointers

Owner pointers take on the responsibility of owning the pointed object and its associated storage, treating them as distinct entities.

A common practice is to implement a delete function to release both resources.

Sample - Implementing the delete function

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {
  char * _Owner text; 

void x_delete(struct X * _Owner _Opt p) { 
  if (p) {

int main() {
   _Opt struct X * _Owner _Opt pX = calloc(1, sizeof * pX);
   if (pX) {
     x_delete( pX); 

The differentiation of object and storage ownership is given by the void * conversion. Moving void* implies that only the storage without any object on it is being moved.

Conversion from T * _Owner to void * _Owner

Rule: Assignment or cast from T * _Owner to void * _Owner requires the pointed object T to be empty.

#pragma safety enable

struct X {
    char * _Owner text;

struct X * _Owner make();

int main(){
   void * _Owner _Opt p = nullptr;
   struct X * _Owner pX = make();
   p = pX; //warning

When the object is created on the stack, we can implement a destructor.

Sample - Implementing a destructor

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {
    char * _Owner _Opt text;

void x_destroy(struct X x) {

int main() {
    struct X x = {};
    x_destroy(x); /*x is moved*/

However in C, structs are typically passed by pointer rather than by value.

_Dtor type annotation attribute

_Dtor or [[dtor]] tells the static analyzer that the object will have all its contents moved, and the contents that are owner references will become uninitialized.

The compiler also needs to ensure that this contract is fulfilled in the implementation.

The next sample illustrates how to implement a destructor using a _Dtor annotation.

Sample - Implementing a destructor using _Dtor

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {
    char * _Owner _Opt text;

void x_destroy(_Opt _Dtor struct X * x) {
      destroy must fulfill the contract of 
      moving all contents of struct x

int main() {
    struct X x = {};
      more code...

     The contents of the object x where moved

Sample - Using x_destroy to implement x_delete

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {
  char * _Owner _Opt text; 

void x_destroy(_Opt _Dtor struct X * x) { 

void x_delete(_Opt struct X * _Owner _Opt p) { 
  if (p) {
     contents of *p where moved


int main() {
   struct X * _Opt _Owner pX = calloc(1, sizeof * pX);
   if (pX) {

See also _Ctor.

Qualifiers in Arrays

In C, array types in arguments are pointers. This characteristics is preserved.

To use owner qualifier in array we do. (Just like const)

#pragma safety enable

void free(void * _Owner _Opt p);

void f(int a[_Owner])

But I think this is quite uncommon.

Flow analysis

Flow analysis is the core feature that enables the nullable and lifetime checks.

The compiler flag -fanalyzer activates the flow analysis that works a secondary pass.

Flow analysis also can be enabled/disable with pragma

#pragma flow enable

When pragma safety, nullable or ownership are enabled, they enable flow as well.

To check the nullable and ownership rules, the compiler use these states:

We can print these states using the static_debug declaration. We can also assert the variable is at a certain state using the static_state declaration.

Sample - Usage of static_state and static_debug

#pragma safety enable

int main() {
  int a;   
  static_state(a, "uninitialized"); //checks a state  
  static_debug(a);                  //prints 'a' state 

The literal string has been chosen because some states, such as 'uninitialized' and 'moved,' do not have a memory representation or a constant value for comparison.

Uninitialized state

The uninitialized state is state of local variables that are declared but not initialized.

Flow analysis must ensure that we don't read uninitialized objects.

#pragma safety enable

int printf(const char* restrict format, ...);

void f(int condition) {
   int i;
   if (condition) 
    i = 0;
   printf("%d", i); //warning i may be uninitialized

The other situation were variables becomes `uninitialized is when moving ownership to function parameters.

This prevents bugs like double free or use after free.

#pragma safety enable

int * _Owner f();
void free(void * _Owner _Opt p);

int main() {   
   int * _Owner p = f();
   free(p); //warning p is uninitialized

Moved state

The moved state is similar to the uninitialized state, and does not have a representation on runtime memory.

The difference is that the moved state is used when moving local variables. For pointers, the moved state implies that the pointer was not-null.

Sample - local scope moves

#pragma safety enable

int * _Owner f();
void free(void * _Owner _Opt p);

int main() {   
   int * _Owner p = f();
   int * _Owner _Opt p2 = 0;
   p2 = p; // p moved to p2  
   //compiler knows that *p still valid  

   free(p); //warning p was moved

   free(p2); //ok

_Ctor type annotation

A common scenario where uninitialized objects are utilized is when a pointer to an uninitialized object is passed to an "init" function.

This situation is addressed by the attribute _Ctor or [[ctor]].

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct X {
  char * _Owner _Opt text;

int init(_Ctor struct X *p)
  p->text = strdup("a");
     The implementation must fulfill the contract and 
     initialize all members of x


int main() {   
  struct X x;

     x is fully initialized


With the _Ctor qualifier, caller is informed that the argument must be uninitialized.

The implementation is aware that it can safely override the contents of the object p->text without causing a memory leak.

Note: There is no explicit "initialized" state. When referring to initialized objects, it means the state is neither "moved" nor "uninitialized.".

Rule: All objects passed as arguments must be initialized and all objects reachable must be initialized.

Rule: By default, the parameters of a function are considered initialized. The exception is created with _Out qualifier.

Rule: We cannot pass initialized objects, or reachable initialized objects to _Ctor object.

For instance, at set implementation we need free text before assignment.

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct X {
  char * _Owner _Opt text;

int init(_Ctor struct X *p, const char * text)
   p->text = strdup(text); //safe

int set(struct X *p, const char * text)
  free(p->text); //necessary
  p->text = strdup(text);

int main() {   
  struct X x;
  init(&x, "text1");
  set(&x, "text2");   

Rule: Function never returns uninitialized objects or reachable uninitialized objects.

Rule: Non owner objects accessible with parameters cannot leave scope with uninitialized/moved objects.

#pragma safety enable

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct X {
  char * _Owner _Opt name;

void x_destroy(_Dtor struct X * p) {

struct Y {
   struct X x;

void f(struct Y * p) {   
   x_destroy(&p->x); //breaking the rule
int main() {
   struct Y  y = {};
   y.x.name = strdup("a");

Sample of swap if fine because at end of scopes objects are not uninitialized/moved.

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

struct X
  char * _Owner _Opt name;

void x_destroy(_Dtor struct X * p)

void x_swap(struct X * a, struct X * b) {
  struct X temp = *a;
  *a = *b;
  *b = temp;
} //ok
int main() {
   struct X x1 = {};
   struct X x2 = {};
   x_swap(&x1, &x2);

I later realized that C# has an out parameter, which is similar in many ways. For example, both Cake and C# assume the argument is initialized independently of the result.


The _Ctor is the inverse of _Dtor. With _Ctor, the object is uninitialized as input and initialized as output. With _Dtor, the object is initialized as input and uninitialized as output.

Null and Not-Null state

The null state means that pointers/objects are empty, In other words, not referencing any object.

Sample - Null state

#pragma safety enable

int main() {
 void * _Owner _Opt p = nullptr;   
 static_state(p, "null"); 

Rule: Before assignment, owner objects, must be empty or uninitialized. The state must be null or uninitialized/moved.


#pragma safety enable

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  FILE * _Owner _Opt file = fopen("file.txt", "r");
  file = fopen("file.txt", "r"); //warning

The not-null state indicates that the object is initialized and referencing an object.

The final state is combination of possibilities like null and not-null. We can check possible combinations using static_state.

#pragma safety enable

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
   void * _Owner _Opt p = malloc(1);
   if (p) {
     static_state(p, "not-null");
   static_state(p, "null | not-null");

Zero and Not-Zero state

The zero state is used for non-pointer objects to complement and support uninitialized checks.

Sample - The zero state

int main()
   int i = 0;
   static_state(i, "zero");   

Zero and null are different states. This difference is necessary because, for non-pointers like the socket sample, 0 does not necessarily means null. The compiler does not know the semantics for types that are not pointers.

lifetime-ended state

This is the state when variables leave the scope or when objects are moved.


We can use static_set to override states. In the next sample, we annotate that server_socket is null, which doesn't mean it is zero but indicates that it is not holding any resources and is safe to return without calling close.

Sample - Usage of static_set

  _Owner int server_socket =
     socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (server_socket < 0) {  
     static_set(server_socket, "null");

The not-zero state is used in non-pointers objects to indicate the value is not zero.

int f();

int main() {   
    int i = f();
    static_state(i, "zero | not-zero");

Now let's consider realloc function.

void * _Owner _Opt realloc( void * _Opt ptr, size_t new_size ); 

In the declaration of realloc, we are not moving the ptr. The reason for that is because the ptr may or may not be moved. If the function returns NULL, ptr was not moved.

Sample - Using static_set with realloc

#pragma safety enable

void* _Owner _Opt malloc(unsigned int size);
void* _Owner _Opt realloc(void* _Opt ptr, unsigned int size);
void free(void* _Owner _Opt p);

int main()
  void * _Owner _Opt p = malloc(1);
  void * _Owner _Opt p2 = realloc(p, 2);
  if (p2 != 0)
     // if p2 != 0 it  means p was moved
     static_set(p, "moved");
     p = p2;

assert is a built-in function

Consider the following example of a linked list, where each node has a pointer to the next node. The next pointer of the tail of the list should always point to null, unless there is a bug. However, the compiler does not inherently know that list->tail->next is null. By using assert, we can inform the compiler of this expectation, while also providing a runtime check for potential logic errors.

Listing 22 shows the usage of assert.

#pragma safety enable

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
 char * _Owner text;
 struct node* _Owner _Opt next;

struct list {
  struct node * _Owner _Opt head;
  struct node * _Opt tail;

void list_append(struct list* list, struct node* _Owner node)
  if (list->head == NULL) 
     list->head = node;

     //list->tail is not null. (becuase it is only null if head is also null)
     assert(list->tail != 0);         

     //next is always null becuase it is the last node
     assert(list->tail->next == 0);

     list->tail->next = node;
   list->tail = node;

Now, consider the same example of a linked list using the contracts mentioned earlier

#pragma safety enable

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
 char * _Owner text;
 struct node* _Owner _Opt next;

struct list {
  struct node * _Owner _Opt head;
  struct node * _Opt tail;

bool list_is_empty(const struct list* list)
 true(list->head == nullptr && list->tail == nullptr),
 false(list->head != nullptr && list->tail != nullptr && list->tail->next == nullptr)
    return list->head == nullptr;

void list_append(struct list* list, struct node* _Owner node)
  if (list_is_empty(list)) 
     list->head = node;
     list->tail->next = node;
   list->tail = node;

Cake's static analysis limitations

While Cake tracks possible states, such as maybe-null, it does not track the origin or relationships between these states.

For instance, in the following example, Cake does not understand that the pointer cannot be null.

int f(int c)
    int i =0;
    int * _Opt p = 0;
    if (c > 2)
      p = &i;

    if (c > 2)
      i = *p; //warning: dereference a NULL object

In the following example, Cake recognizes that the pointed object is 'maybe deleted.' However, if the object is deleted, it doesn’t matter because the pointer is null. These relationships between states are not tracked.

#pragma safety enable
#include <stdlib.h>

int * _Owner _Opt f(int c){
  int * _Owner _Opt p = malloc(sizeof * p);
  try {
         if (c) throw;
  catch {
      p = nullptr;
  return p; //warning: lifetime ended 'p'

To address these issues, I am considering a new algorithm.

Please note that this is an implementation detail and is not related to the ownership rules themselves.

Code transition Strategy

If the compiler supports ownership checks it must define __STDC_OWNERSHIP__.

If the compiler supports nullable types it must define __STDC_NULLABLE__.

If the compiler supports flow analysis it must define __STDC_FLOW__.

A header like this safe.h can be created.

#ifdef  __STDC_FLOW__
 #pragma flow enable

#ifdef  __STDC_OWNERSHIP__
 #pragma ownership enable
  /*empty macros*/

  #define _Out
  #define _Owner
  #define _Dtor
  #define _View


#ifdef  __STDC_NULLABLE__
 #pragma nullable enable
  #pragma flow enable
  /*empty macros*/
  #define _Opt

#include <safe.h>
int main()


undefined behavior (From C23)

behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this document imposes no requirements 2 Note 1 to entry: Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).

indeterminate representation (From C23)

object representation that either represents an unspecified value or is a non-value representation

unspecified value (From C23)

valid value of the relevant type where this document imposes no requirements on which value is

unspecified behavior (From C23)

behavior, that results from the use of an unspecified value, or other behavior upon which this document provides two or more possibilities and imposes no further requirements on which is chosen in any instance

lifetime (From C23)

The lifetime of an object is the portion of program execution during which storage is guaranteed to be reserved for it. An object exists, has a constant address36), and retains its last-stored value throughout its lifetime37) If an object is referred to outside of its lifetime, the behavior is undefined. If a pointer value is used in an evaluation after the object the pointer points to (or just past) reaches the end of its lifetime, the behavior is undefined. The representation of a pointer object becomes indeterminate when the object the pointer points to (or just past) reaches the end of its lifetime

object (From C23)

region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values

non-value representation (C23)

an object representation that does not represent a value of the object type


[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/nullable-references, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/nullable-migration-strategies?source=recommendations
